Thursday, April 26, 2007

Wedding Moments Captured by a Professional Photographer

Jennifer and Jeff hired a profession photographer to take pictures in their wedding.

From the beginning they told us that this particular photographer is good at catching the moments.

We did not fully understand the difference between taking pictures and catching the moments.

Once we saw some of his pictures, then we understand the difference.

This was one of the fancy moves of their 1st dance.

Jeff and Jennifer offered their thanks to all the guests.

What a handsome couple, Mr. and Mrs. Tarn.

Jennifer and Jeff had made special efforts to talk to all their guests. It was warm and friendly feeling filled the whole place.

They were walking together to their new life as husband and wife.

Jennifer was trying to relax before going to the wedding ceremony.

They are stepping out the first step of their new life with brand new shoes.

Sunday Brunch on April 8, 2007

The newlyweds and the Tarn's family.

Sara found a new best friend, Theresa.
Jennifer and Jeff invited all their out of town guests to a Sunday Brunch on Sunday morning. Again, everyone had one more chance to chat and to know each other better. It was a wonderful Brunch with Mexican food. As Jeff mentioned one of their goals is to serve good food to all their guests. They certainly did that.

Jeff and some of his newly acquired relatives.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Wedding Ceremony with Families and Friends

What a lovely couple. Jennifer is so beautiful and elegant and Jeff is so handsome.

Special thanks need to go to Theresa. She was the wonderful photographer took these memorable pictures.

Jennifer and Jeff did not want to have the formality of doing the first dance earlier. They finally decided to have it just few weeks before their wedding. They chose Jennifer’s favorite song to do the 1st dance. They also did a few under arms and dips. They did a wonderful job of showing their moves. It was just beautiful.

Jennifer and Jeff married on Saturday, April 7, 2007. They had a beautiful and warm wedding ceremony with family members, relatives and friends. They have decided that they want to get married among the people they know, therefore, they have asked Jennifer’s sister Angie and Jeff’s brother Jason to host the ceremony. With no groom’s men and bride’s maids, they managed to have a most meaningful, warm, and family oriented ceremony. The vows they have for each other came from deep of their heart, the advice Angie and Jason gave them were very touching and real. It earned the praise from all the guests.

It is our honor to present to you the Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Tarn for the first time!!!

Just look at these pictures, you see how much planning they had put into this wedding including this wonderful wedding cake.
Look at those two, they really mean for each other.

Jennifer and Jeff really made their wedding ceremony as a family event. They talked to everyone and shared their joy with everyone.

A lot of family members and friends came from all over to help them to celebrate their most wonderful day. Everyone enjoyed the ceremony, foods, music, and atmosphere very much. See how happy they were in these pictures.

This was one of the most happiest days for Grandpa Tarn.

Freddie did a wonderful job of walking with Jennifer and to give her away. He did it very slowly and nobly.

Tradition - Tea Ceremony

Jennifer’s family has a tea ceremony tradition. It is the time for Jennifer’s mother to introduce Jeff to their family members and relatives. It was the 1st time everyone had the chance to see Jennifer’s beautiful wedding gown. It is a beautiful and elegant gown.