Thursday, April 26, 2007

Wedding Moments Captured by a Professional Photographer

Jennifer and Jeff hired a profession photographer to take pictures in their wedding.

From the beginning they told us that this particular photographer is good at catching the moments.

We did not fully understand the difference between taking pictures and catching the moments.

Once we saw some of his pictures, then we understand the difference.

This was one of the fancy moves of their 1st dance.

Jeff and Jennifer offered their thanks to all the guests.

What a handsome couple, Mr. and Mrs. Tarn.

Jennifer and Jeff had made special efforts to talk to all their guests. It was warm and friendly feeling filled the whole place.

They were walking together to their new life as husband and wife.

Jennifer was trying to relax before going to the wedding ceremony.

They are stepping out the first step of their new life with brand new shoes.

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